
“A loving homage shot through with an undercurrent of MST3K-style mockery… one of the most ridiculous monsters in movie history.” – Nick Rocco Scalia, Film Threat

“If the guys behind Airplane! and The Naked Gun tried to make a movie in the style of Ed Wood, it might look something like Inhumanwich!… an impressively spot-on spoof.” – Mike McGranaghan, The Aisle Seat

2016; feature film; sci-fi comedy; written and directed by David Cornelius.

Danger strikes the Midwest when a mission gone wrong transforms an astronaut into… something else.

Starring Matt Laumann, Michael Peake, Kayla Clark, Jack Burrows, Jake Robinson, Christopher Hahn, Jacque “Jake” Ransom, and Brad Nicholas.

Photographed by Ryan Magrish. Edited by Matthew Gray. Music by John Hoerr. (Full IMDb entry here.)

Theatrical premiere December 15, 2016.
VOD premiere September 29, 2017. DVD premiere February 11, 2018. Released by Leomark Studios.

Official website.

Parents guide: Some mild language (“damn,” “balls,” “you magnificent son of a bitch”). A few crude jokes. Many, many deaths, all of them bloodless and played for laughs. Younger kids might be frightened by the monster; older kids will find the monster ridiculous. One character chomps on an unlit cigar stub throughout. Plenty of gunfire, none of it effective.

Inhumanwich! DVD art

DVD cover art (designed by Sinister Arts)

Inhumanwich Poster Inhumanwich Teaser Poster #1 Inhumanwich Teaser Poster #2